Bhairava Nagar – developing land

Dormitory – Staff house

Almost every day we receive new pictures which show with how much joy our Indian friends are working and how much is created, often in a short time. In December 2020 the old staff house was demolished and now in April 2022 this magnificent building is about to be completed.

It has become a very noble building and is expected to be handed over to its intended purpose in summer.

The Indian “angels”

Now we would like to show you the energetic and partly long-time employees for whom there is often no Saturday or Sunday, who work tirelessly and with great enthusiasm.

There are many other helping hands who were not present at the photo session.

Mahipal Negi Gaurav – construction manager since the first hour
with his team

And here the team of Bhairava Nagar,
most of them for a very long time loyal friends.

And here are some more contributors

Our two dog-girls, born in 2020 near the temple – at that time still three.

Our new beautiful and very gentle Nandi with all his cows. By the way, the stable and the animals are indescribably clean and well-kept, some European stables could learn a lesson here.

All these affectionate human and animal souls are caring and tending Bhairava Nagar (meaning: place of Bhairava).

Bridge and expressway opposite of Bhairava Nagar

Progress is underway everywhere. So also this year the big new bridge on the opposite side of the Ganga has been completed. A mighty construction, over which now the highway from Risikesh is coming – in direction of Devprayag and finally to Badrinath. Now the journey from Delhi to Bhairava Nagar takes much shorter time and is more pleasant.