New school culture

Neue Schulkutur-2023-Pan Terra-2
Neue Schulkutur-2023-Pan Terra.2

The children and young people need especially in this time our help, because they have to live in the future with this Earth as it is handed over to them!

What the children learn, they bring into daily life.

The teaching material must not be one-sided. At the moment, in school education as well as in daily life, children and adults are often trained to be creative only on the computer. However, children should again be allowed to develop creatively in a holistic way. In the whole education, we should especially emphasize everything that opens up vitality, joy of life, art of living and the meaning of life to the young and later adult human being.

New School Culture is Integral Learning

Integral Learning is a universal process between SHIVA and SHAKTI, between God and Goddess.

Integral learning is a comprehensive learning in the stream of the most oldest religion, the Religio of God.

The child is still intimately interwoven with this great integral life-flow. It lives in a world of its own, in which it learns with pleasure joyfully and well, and makes its experiences, which the child integrates completely on its own into further life.

Integral learning stands as an term for an active unfolding process of the human being, in which all own abilities, forces and qualities are come for retribution in a harmonious dynamic way.

Integral learning means consciously and wise to respect all areas of the natural world, all foundations and processes of creation established for life to respect.

Integral learning also includes to offer all already applied skills, forces, all knowledge, memories and experiences as well and to integrate all energies, characteristics, talents and abilities in the learning process.

All children, come into the world with an incredible pleasure in their own discovery and creation, this treasure must be preserved and the further development supported.

Childlike learning is Integral Learning and this is a jubilation for the I AM, the true kernel of the human being.

We have started many years ago to build up
a school of Integral Learning.