Nectar of wisdom

Star-Nectar of wisdom 2023-Pan Terra

Already in 2001 VAIŚHVIK MAHAŚHAKTĪŚVAR YOGIRAJ SHIN SHIVA SVAYAMBHU BAIRAVANATH started a new spiritual and cultural development in Bhairava Nagar.

The year 2001 as the beginning of the New Age was the perfect opportunity to plant an important seed for a New Future – from Dualism to Oneness.

This strong impulse of power has spread far beyond all borders until today and has increasingly condensed at the place in Bhairava Nagar and has let arise there many things which have an effect into the future.

The Earth and with it also the Human being are in this time at the border between two Epochs. An Epoch which we leave and the next which opens ourselves. Here we speak in the dimensions of cosmic Epochs, which are reflected quite naturally on the Earth and thus also move the Human being on all levels.

In this sense, something comes to an end for the Earth and something new begins for this Earth. The Apocalypse – the time of many events between these two Epochs – through which we are passing right now, is a bridge from the old time, which has come to an end, over to the brand new time.

These mysteries of the Integral Transformation, in which the Earth and the Human being are in the midst of right now, create a cosmic quaking and trembling, an Earth trembling and also a soul trembling in the human being, because everything is being prepared anew for this coming Epoch.

Just in this period, the Spiritual High School Vidyamrtabdhi “Ocean of the Nectar of Wisdom” was established by Shiñ in Bhairava Nagar. In the past years, primarily Shiñ taught at this High School.

With all his work and creations on Earth and with and for Human beings, Shiñ transmitted the Nectar of Wisdom. His universal teachings encompassed the development of mankind, the Earth and the Cosmos and served to prepare for this time, so human beings can go well into the new epoch and realize it.

His principle:
Only a NEW HUMAN can realize the NEW EPOCHE!