Website owner
Verein Pan Terra
Platz 230
9428 Walzenhausen
Phone: +41 (0)79 406 23 11
Under the name „Pan Terra“ is an association registered in terms of article 60 ff of the Swiss Civil Code (Schweizerisches Zivilgesetzbuch ZGB) with headquarter in CH-9428 Walzenhausen, Platz 230.
The Pan Terra Association is recognized as a non-profit organization in the canton of Appenzell A.Rh.
The Board
1st chairman
Bhagin R. Kellenberger
Susanne Ganns
Dr. Christian Schneider
Technical development
Anita Hess
Layout and content
Susanne Ganns
Photo credits
Unless otherwise specified all published images on this website are from the archives of Pan Terra. Use without explicit written approval is not permitted.