Centre for Free Peace

by Christian Schneider

At the beginning of the new millennium, and at the same time at the beginning of the new epoch, a unique centre for FREE PEACE is being built in the village of Sirasu in the North of India. On behalf of and under the spiritual patronage of the All-One God and of the All-One Goddess this centre will become a place of power for all people, independent of race, religion, caste, gender or origin.

This place of power is open to members of all religious streams. It is hoped that through respectful togetherness an understanding will ripen that there is only One Highest God for all people who in the different streams experience different approaches, characteristics and interpretations. This alone will already strengthen the mutual understanding between the religions and enhance tolerance towards the others.

All those who visit this place of FREE PEACE and understanding between individuals and races will be able to feel a totally new energy giving a new orientation and allowing them to experience everything anew. Such a visit will remain unforgettable and those who have once experienced the emanation of this place will always want to come back.

The centre will also become a pioneering place for the prosperous co-existance of human beings and nature. New forms of cultivation, of social community and of co-operative working together will be arranged and tested through various projects in collaboration with those who live in the surrounding area.

Christian Schneider, 11th September 2017

PDF – Centre for free peace in German-English-French-Hindi